We engage the best tutors, most suitable to our style of learner engagement. They are also professional teachers in local schools and colleges. Some are from industry with enormous skills and experience. The Aspire Academy was set up by teachers with the widest and most versatile range of teaching, training and business experiences. Fully qualified teachers, academically and in the field. With a real passion for teaching and learning, that is built on a simple pedagogical principle called the 3Rs. So, when it comes to teaching, we know what we are talking about. All teachers and tutors are DBS.
As well as small groups in 1:6 ratio, we also provide 1 to 1 as well as a TutorMentor, who would have gone through similar learning experiences of the learners and can therefore share their expertise and successes with our learners, supervised and monitored by teachers.
Some teachers do home visits or 1 to 1 online teaching, where parents request this mode of teaching and learning.
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